目的:探讨安静度对于护士评估患者生活自理能力的影响,并探讨安静度的最佳决策主体。方法:采用便利抽样法选取山西省某三级甲等医院19个住院病区的141名住院患者,以自设的"患者生活自理能力(ADL)评价表"及"安静度评估量表"为研究工具,由责任护士与主管医生根据患者的实际情况进行评估,评估顺序为:责任护士对患者进行第一次ADL评估→责任护士对患者进行安静度评估→责任护士参考安静度评估结果,对患者进行第二次ADL评估→主管医生对患者进行安静度评估→责任护士参考医生评估结果,对患者进行第三次ADL评估。结果 :①责任护士对患者的第一次ADL评估与第二次评估无统计学差异(P>0.05),第二次评估与第三次评估有统计学差异(P<0.01);责任护士与主管医生对患者的安静度评估有统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论:责任护士参考主管医生对患者安静度的评分评估患者生活自理能力,可使评估结果更加准确,有利于医护人员合作制定患者护理级别。
Objective: To investigate the effects of quiet degree ratings on nurses' assessment on hospitalized patients' selfcare ability,to guide nurses to assess patients more accurately and to provide excellence in nursing service.Methods: A total of 141 patients were recruited by convenience sampling method from 19 clinical wards in a Class A tertiary hospital and were investigated by self-designed "Activities of Daily Living Questionnaire" and the "Quiet Degree Assessment Scale".The charge nurse and doctors evaluated the patients according to their actual situation.The evaluation order was: the ADL evaluation for patientsbychargenurseforthefirsttime→thequietdegreeratingevaluationforpatientsbychargenurse→theADLevaluation for patients by charge nurse for the second time → the quiet degree rating evaluation for patients by the doctor in charge → the ADL evaluation for patients by charge nurse for the third time.Results: There were no significant differences between the first ADL scores and the second ADL scores assessed by the charge nurses(P0.05) and there were significant differences between the second ADL scores and the third ADL scores assessed by the charge nurses(P0.01).There were significant differences on the scores of patients' quiet degree rated by doctors in charge and the charge nurses(P0.05).Conclusion: The quiet degree rating has positive impact on patients' ADL scores assessment and should be integrated into the evaluation of grading nursing system.
Chinese Nursing Management
grading nursing
self-care ability
ADL scores
quietdegree ratings