介绍了用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)法测定TB6钛合金中Al、V和Fe元素的方法。样品采用盐酸、氢氟酸和硝酸溶解,考察了钛合金基体和共存元素对待测元素的影响,确定了各待测元素谱线分别为Al 394.401nm,V 292.402nm,Fe 239.562nm。选定的待测元素分析线不受合金基体和共存元素的干扰,通过基体匹配消除基体的影响,选择了仪器工作参数,进行了标准物质对照试验,试验结果与标准值相符,进行加入回收试验加,回收率在99~102%之间,相对标准偏差小于1%。
A was studied. The method of determination of Al, V and Fe. elements in TB6 titanium alloy by ICP-AES sample was decomposed with HCl, HF and HNO3 The experiment of selection of analysis lines respectively for Al 394. 401 nm, V292. 402 nm,Fe 239. 562 nm,the effect of matrix and coexist elements on the determination were investigated, the instrument parameters were carried out. The determination results were in good agreement with standard reference material, the recovery rate is from 99% to 102%, the RSD is less than 1%.
Analytical Instrumentation