
黄土高原地区不同穴植密度对侧柏生长的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Different Hole Planting Density on Platycladus orientalis in the Loess Plateau Area
摘要 对侧柏幼苗在黄土高原自然环境下进行了不同穴植密度的试验。结果表明,山西省平顺县侧柏幼苗从4月中旬进入生长期,到10月中旬基本停止生长,其快速生长期为6—8月份。侧柏幼苗生长量与穴植密度呈显著负相关。土壤含水量与侧柏幼苗生长量呈明显正相关。侧柏幼苗的生长对穴植密度要求较低,最适生长密度为10~20株·m-2。 Different hole planting density on Platycladus orientalis in the loess plateau area were researched. The result showed that in Pingshun County of Shanxi, the growth period of Platycladus orientalis seedlings was from mid of April to mid of October. The rapid growth period was from June to August, Platycladus orientalis seedling height increment and hole planting density had a significant negative relationship. Height growth and soil moisture content of Platycladus orientalis seedling showed a significant positive relationship. The growth of Platycladus orientalis seedlings had a lower requirement of planting density, suitable growth density was 1 lines / holt -2 lines / holt.
出处 《天津农业科学》 CAS 2013年第8期76-79,共4页 Tianjin Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAD38B06)
关键词 侧柏 黄土高原 穴植密度 Platycladus orientalis loess plateau area hole planting density
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