
我国电动汽车大规模接入电网影响分析与建议 被引量:2

Analysis of the Impact of Large Scale Electric Vehicles Access to the Power Grid and Suggestions
摘要 为了分析我国未来电动汽车大规模接入电网充电对电网的影响,本文首先分析了电动汽车充电负荷的特性,并定量计算了不同能源补给方式下,全国电动汽车作为充电负荷的电量和电力需求。结果表明,至2020年,充电负荷占总负荷的比例很小。到2030年,充电负荷占全网负荷的比例较高。无序充电情景下,充电负荷有一个明显的晚高峰,将会较大的增加电网的峰荷需求及峰谷差。充电负荷具有较大的调控潜力,换电模式总负荷峰荷小于充电模式。本文从规划和运行的角度研究了充放电优化对于电网的效益。计算结果表明,从规划的角度,充放电优化具有较大的容量效益,从运行的角度,充放电优化能够有效提高电网运行的可靠性,但其总成本不能忽略。提出了积极应对电动汽车大规模接入电网充电,应在研究和相关政策等方面采取措施的建议。 To analyze the impact of large scale electric vehicles charging on the power grid, this paper presents the characters of the charging load at first, and calculates the power and energy demand of electric vehicles under different energy supply modes nationwide. Simulation results indicate that the charging load and its proportion to the total load are relatively small before year 2020. With the increasing penetration of PEVs, the peak load will increase remarkably in year 2030 if the charging behaviors are uncoordinated. The huge difference between charging peak and off-peak provides a substantial potential to coordinate the charging of EVs. The peak load in the battery swapping mode is lower than the charging mode. The paper calculates profits of the coordinated charging and discharging from the planning and operating perspectives. The coordination of charging and discharg- ing can have large capacity profits from the perspective of the planning. The coordination of charging and dis- charging can improve the reliability and economy of the grid operation, while the cost can not be ignored. To actively respond the large scale electric vehicles access network charging, the measures to be taken in terms of the academic research and policy are recommended in the paper.
出处 《中国能源》 2013年第7期14-18,共5页 Energy of China
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划"863计划"--电动汽车与电网互动技术研究(编号:2011AA05A110)
关键词 电动汽车 充电模式 换电模式 充放电优化 Electric vehicle Charging mode Battery swapping mode Coordinated charging and discharging
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