
T型复合材料长桁承载能力设计研究 被引量:7

Research on Load Capacity Design of Composite T-Joint
摘要 应用商业有限元软件ABAQUS中的内聚单元,对复合材料T型长桁的缘条/蒙皮界面失效进行了分析,计算结果与试验数据吻合良好。基于有限元结果,提取了缘条/蒙皮界面内力,研究结构的失效机理。以缘条和蒙皮厚度为参数进行参数化建模,研究缘条/蒙皮刚度比对界面失效乃至承载能力的影响。最后对缘条/蒙皮刚度比提出了设计建议。 The failure of flange/skin interface of T - Joint was simulated by using the cohesive element in the commer- cial software ABAQUS, and the simulations agree well with experimental data. The internal forces on the flange/skin inter- face were extracted from FEM results, and then their failure mechanism was studied. The flange and skin thickness was con- sidered as parameters to build a parameterized model for studying the effect of stiffness ratios of the flange and the skin on the interface debonding. Finally the design parameters of the stiffness ratio between the flange and the skin were suggested for the design.
出处 《纤维复合材料》 CAS 2013年第2期13-17,8,共6页 Fiber Composites
关键词 复合材料 T型长桁 内聚单元 失效机理 刚度比 composite T - Joint cohesive element failure mechanism ratio of rigidity
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