对中国云南省的齿甲属Uloma Dejean进行了分类整理,描述1新种Uloma valgipes sp.nov.并绘图,新种与小齿甲U.minuta Liu,Ren&Wang,2007相似,但可以通过以下特征区别于后者:前足胫节向内侧极弯;雄性前胸背板无凹;前胸背板前缘近两侧具细饰边,中部1/3范围内无饰边;后足第1跗节长于第4节;雄性外生殖器形状不同。并给出了云南省已知种类检索表。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。弯胫齿甲,新种Uloma valgipes sp.nov.(图1~9)正模♂ ,云南龙陵龙新黑山(海拔2300m),2008-07-23,徐吉山采。词源:新种种名源自拉丁词valgus(弯的)+拉丁词pes(足)变化词尾组合而成,意指该虫的雄性前足胫节向内侧极弯曲。
The paper deals with the beetle genus Uloma Dejean,1821 and reports one new species Uloma valgipes sp. nov. from Yunnan Province of China. The new species is allied to U. minuta Liu,Ren W ang,2007,but differs in the following characteristics: inner edge of protibia extremely curved; pronotum of male without antero-median excavation; anterior margin of pronotum emarginate without bead in middle 1/3; metatarsomere Ⅰ longer than Ⅳ; aedeagus w ith different shape. A key to 12 species of Uloma Dejean known from Yunnan is provided. The type specimen is deposited in the Museum of Hebei University.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China(2012FY111100)