Carbon stock estimation was conducted in tree species of Sem Mukhem sacred forest in district Tehri of Garhwal Himalaya, Uttara- khand, India. This forest is dedicated to Nagraj Devta and is dominated by tree species, including Quercus floribunda, Quercus semecarpifolia and Rhododendron arboreum. The highest values of below ground bio- mass density, total biomass density and total carbon density were (34.81±1.68) Mg·ha^-1, (168.26±9.04) Mg·ha^-1 and (84.13±4.18) Mg·ha^-1 for Pinus wallichiana. Overall values of total biomass density and total carbon density calculated were 1549.704 Mg·ha^-1 and 774.77 Mg·ha^-1 respectively. Total value of growing stock volume density for all species was 732.56 m3·ha^-1 and ranged from (144.97±11.98) m3·ha^-1 for Pinus wallichiana to (7.78±1.78) m3·ha^-1for Benthamidia capitata.
Carbon stock estimation was conducted in tree species of Sem Mukhem sacred forest in district Tehri of Garhwal Himalaya, Uttara- khand, India. This forest is dedicated to Nagraj Devta and is dominated by tree species, including Quercus floribunda, Quercus semecarpifolia and Rhododendron arboreum. The highest values of below ground bio- mass density, total biomass density and total carbon density were (34.81±1.68) Mg·ha^-1, (168.26±9.04) Mg·ha^-1 and (84.13±4.18) Mg·ha^-1 for Pinus wallichiana. Overall values of total biomass density and total carbon density calculated were 1549.704 Mg·ha^-1 and 774.77 Mg·ha^-1 respectively. Total value of growing stock volume density for all species was 732.56 m3·ha^-1 and ranged from (144.97±11.98) m3·ha^-1 for Pinus wallichiana to (7.78±1.78) m3·ha^-1for Benthamidia capitata.