This paper observed three kinds of horse-controlling devices in special shapes emerged in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties and made comparative study on them with their counterparts found in the Eurasia Steppes and Near East. The study shows that the zhuice ,錣策 (spiked whip) was used to stimulate the horse to advance quickly, the dingchibiao 钉齿镳 (nailed cheekpiece) was used to guide the horse to the expected direction and the dixian 镝衔 (prick- led mouthpiece) was used to control the speed of the horse and to stop it at will. The zhuice in the late Shang Dynasty of China and the New Kingdom of Egypt were similar in shape, function and other aspects, but the former had a barb protruding diagonally which could be used to stab forward and to beat sideway, and could be used by both the chariot drivers and the cavalrymen, implying that horseback riding has appeared in the Central Plains in the late Shang Dynasty. The mouthpiece with nails on the two sides was actually the combination of the cheekpiece and the mouthpiece; it could effectively control the speed of the horse, but the nails could not freely move, and therefore could not play its intended role on controlling the direction of the advancing of the horse. To overcome this, at about the same time, the nails on the mouthpiece was separated, and the U-shaped cheekpiece with nai|s was de- signed; or the nails were moved to the inner sides of the common cheekpiece to strengthen the direction control of the horse. The nailed cheekpiece emerged in China hundreds of years later than in the Eurasia Steppes and the Near East, and the nailed cheekpieces made of bone and horn have not been seen in China, while the nailed mouthpiece in the late Shang Dynasty of China was also not seen in the Eurasia Steppes and the Near East. In the early Western Zhou Dynasty, nails were added to the common jointed mouthpieces and the dizian was made; in later times, the joints became more and more and each joint became smaller and smaller, and the large and sparse nails on these joints also changed into fine and dense prick- les, which was the chain-shaped all:clan. At latest in the mid Warring-States Period, the bar-shaped mouthpiece with spurs was derived from the di:cian. The double-jointed discian in the early Western Zhou Dynasty not only emerged earlier than in the Eurasia Steppes and the Near East but also sharply differed from its counterparts in the latter areas in shape. Howev- er, the di:cian in the Near East and the west of the Eurasia Steppes were rather similar in both the shape and the dates of appearance, so they might have had diffusion relationship. The three kinds of horse-controlling devices found in China and the West are different in shape but their functions are similar.
Acta Archaeologica Sinica