
建设用地使用权性质研究——以与传统民法地上权比较为视角 被引量:5

On Nature of the Right to Use Construction Land——From the point of view of superficies of civil law tradition
摘要 我国建设用地使用权作为一项基础性物权,在不动产市场上发挥着核心作用。然而,该权利的独特名称、两种设立方式和其所处的行政主导的市场环境等因素,往往导致该权利在行使和保障上出现混乱。这皆与对该权利的性质认识不清有关。本着尊重传统,正视现实的精神,作者站在传统民法地上权的角度对建设用地使用权进行比较分析,分别从权利的概念、产生背景、在物权体系中的地位、适用范围以及效力等五个方面进行深入研究,得出两者在基本法律性质上的同一性结论。继而又找出建设用地使用权与地上权相比在设立目的和所有权基础上的根本不同点,指出前者在土地分配公平性和地价确定正义性上所面临的特殊问题。在附带分析该权利以划拨方式设立的特殊性后,作者提出要更多地站在地上权重在保护土地使用者的立场上研究完善建设用地使用权制度,吸收公有土地租赁的有益经验,进而在我国发展出更高级的地上权制度。 The Right to Use Construction Land in is of central function at China' s real estate market,as a fundamental property.Yet this right is often appears chaos in term of performance and guarantee which come from its special title,two different patterns of establishment as well as the administrative power dominated market as its social environment.Such chaos are related to unclear understanding of the nature of the right.This paper makes a comparative study between the superficies and the right to use construction land through five aspects,namely: the conception of right,the background of the appearance of the right,the position of the right in the property right system,the scope of the right's function,as well as the legal effect of the right.After getting the conclusion of the identity in nature of the two kinds of rights,the author turns to find out the fundamental difference between the two rights.Based on the analysis,the author proposes to develop a higher leveled superficies standing on its focusing more on the holder of the right to use,and borrow the profitable experience of public land leasing from other countries.
作者 田丰 王跃峰
出处 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期128-136,共9页 Hebei Law Science
关键词 建设用地使用权 地上权 权利性质 借鉴 发展 the right to use construction land superficies the character of right borrow and comparative study development
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