That there are differences between ITC litigation proceedings and district court litigation in procedural and substantial aspects has become one of the focus problems among the GATT panel and parties.So far there has no clear decision from GATT/WTO.Section 337 has certain rationality,but in some ways is not in conformity with the TRIPS provisions.American patent holders,who has disputes with domestic producers about patent infringement,can only seek relief from American court.However,the patent holder has the option of the relief ways in patent cases concerned with foreign producers,resulting in double relief opportunities,while foreign producers are deprived of the choice of relief way as well as increased litigation burden,causing actual unfair results and forming discrimination against foreign products and nationals.National treatment should be substantial rather than just in form.The legality of Section 337 should be evaluated according to the WTO agreements rather than only to its enforcement effect.There exist differences in the legislative purpose,value choice and basic principles.TRIPS itself does not prohibit such border measures as Section 337,which should comply with the WTO agreement.One possible solution is to apply the same mechanism to the defendants at home and abroad.
Hebei Law Science
中国法学会课题<美国337调查与TRIPS协议一致性问题研究>(CLS2011 D87)