
IEUBK模型的应用概况及其本土化的初步探讨 被引量:13

IEUBK model and its application in China
摘要 该文通过综述IEUBK(the integrated exposure uptake biokinetic Model)模型的既往研究资料,概括介绍模型的具体应用方向,并结合中国的实际情况探讨其本土化的可行性。IEUBK模型是由美国环保署(USEPA)开发的血铅预测模型,主要应用于儿童血铅水平预测和控铅效果的评价,为健康管理提供理论依据,而我国相关研究认为模型预测值和实测值存在一定差距,可能与模型外部参数的选取及内部参数的限制有关,我国儿童暴露参数数据有限,本土化工作还需进一步完善。 Through the review and analysis of data, the paper aims to summarize the application of the IEUBK model and discuss its usage in China based on the actual situation. The IEUBK model was developed by US EPA. It is widely used to predict children's blood lead levels, assess effects of controlling the blood lead level and provide the scientific evidence for health management, however the related study in China showed that there were some differences between predicted values and observed values, which was maybe caused by the selection of external and internal parameters. Chinese children exposure parameters were not enough, so the model application in China is needed to be improved.
出处 《环境与健康杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期655-658,共4页 Journal of Environment and Health
基金 环境保护部环保公益性行业科研专项(201109058)
关键词 IEUBK 模型 暴露参数 Lead IEUBK Model Exposure factors
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