
人粪样中雌马酚含量调查及其与菌群结构相关性研究 被引量:3

The level of equol and its relationship with the bacterial community in human fecal samples
摘要 目的调查人粪样中大豆素和雌马酚的含量及其与年龄和性别的关系;了解人粪样中雌马酚含量高低与菌群结构的关系。方法采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)对来自杭州的125份粪样进行大豆素和雌马酚含量检测,并使用生物统计学软件SPSS进行统计学分析;使用PCR-DGGE对粪样中雌马酚含量的高低与菌群结构的关系进行初步研究。结果 HPLC检测结果表明,尽管粪样中雌马酚含量的高低与性别关系不大,但却与年龄大小存在很大的相关性,41~50岁年龄组的粪样中雌马酚含量明显高于其他年龄组。PCR-DGGE结果表明,粪样中雌马酚含量的高低与菌群结构无明显相关性。结论人粪样中雌马酚含量的高低与年龄大小有很强的相关性。 Objectives To investigate the relationship between the levels of daidzein and equol in human fecal samples and age and gender,as well as the relationship between the level of equol and bacterial community in human fecal samples.Methods HPLC was used to detect and quantify the levels of daidzein and equol in 125 human fecal samples collected from Hangzhou region.Statistical Product and Service Solutions(SPSS) software was used for all statistical analyses.PCR-DGGE was used for structural analysis of the bacterial community.Results HPLC analysis showed a strong relationship between age and the level of equol,with the highest level of equol observed in the 41-50 year old age group,while no strong correlation between the level of equol and gender was observed.PCR-DGGE results demonstrated that there was no correlation between the level of equol and the structure of the bacterial community in human fecal samples.Conclusion The level of equol in human fecal samples is strongly correlated to age.
出处 《中国微生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2013年第7期757-761,共5页 Chinese Journal of Microecology
基金 国家自然基金(31100097)
关键词 大豆素 雌马酚 粪样 菌群结构 Daidzein Equol Fecal sample Bacterial community
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