
绿肥作物箭筈豌豆种质产量性状综合评价 被引量:7

Germplasm Evaluation for Yield in Vicia sativa L.
摘要 通过对124份绿肥箭筈豌豆种质资源品种产量性状指标进行主成分分析及聚类分析。结果表明,第3主成分(荚果数)偏高,第1主成分(株高)偏低,第2主成分(分枝数)适中,箭筈豌豆种子产量较高;第1,2主成分偏高,第3主成分偏低,即株高高,分枝数多的材料,干草产量高,可作为绿肥和饲用作物材料。聚类分析可综合评价箭筈豌豆的表现,发掘产量性状突出的材料,对于箭筈豌豆的育种具有重要的现实意义。 The data of nine yielding traits collected from 124 Vicia sativa L. germplasms were characterized by prin- cipal component analysis and cluster analysis. The results showed : when the third principal component (pod) was on the high side, the first principal component (plant height) on the low side, the second principal component (branch number) was moderate to well, Vicia sativa L. seed yield was higher; The materials with higher principal component 1,2,and lower principal components 3 could get good yield of hay, which can be used as forage and green manure crops. Clustering analysis classified the 124 germplasms into 5 groups, as a comprehensive evaluation of the performance for Vicia sativa L. ,it can be used by breeders to explore yield outstanding materials and to de- velop high yield Vicia sativa L. varieties.
出处 《作物杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期67-69,共3页 Crops
基金 作物种质资源保护和利用项目(NB2012-2130135-3)
关键词 箭筈豌豆 种质资源 评价 Vicia sativa L. Germplasm resources Evaluation
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