

Local Existence and Global Existence for A Class of Degenerate and Strongly Coupled Parabolic System with Localized Source
摘要 本文主要研究了一类带局部源的强耦合退化抛物方程组ut=f(v)(△u+au(x0,t)),ut=g(u)(△u+bv(x0,t))解的局部存在性和整体存在性,并给出了解的整体存在的一个条件. A class of degenerate and strongly coupled parabolic system with localized source,ut = f(v)(△u + au(x0,t)),ut = g(u)(△u + bv(x0,t)) is studied and discussed to obtain one of conditions for global existence of this parabolic system.
出处 《曲靖师范学院学报》 2013年第3期16-19,共4页 Journal of Qujing Normal University
基金 四川省教育厅自然科学重点项目基金资助(09ZA119)
关键词 退化抛物方程组 强耦合 局部源 存在性 degenerate parabolic system strongly coupled localized source existence
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