
斯里兰卡对华、对印关系中的“动态平衡” 被引量:7

Sri Lanka's Dynamic Balancing Logic in Developing Relations with India and China
摘要 当前,虽然中国和印度在斯里兰卡的存在有其差异性,但两国正试图修正自身在斯的弱势领域。这种复杂存在与斯里兰卡对中国、印度两国不同的战略需求有关。作为力量对比中的小国,斯里兰卡在中印间最大限度发挥其杠杆作用的主要方式,仍是努力在不同议题和不同领域上实现中印间的"动态平衡",从而最大限度地分享中印发展进程中的经济红利和战略容忍空间。这种行为模式具有深刻的地缘动因和经济基础,具有稳定性。在未来,中国与斯里兰卡关系的发展仍应重点置于双边战略需求的轨道,并尽可能减少所谓"中-斯-印三边制衡"的困扰。 Since the end of the civil war,Sri Lanka's relations with China and India have developed respectively in new dimensions.Due to different interest calculations and strategic concerns,both India and China were trying to offset each other's assets by enhancing its own strength in Sri Lanka.This complex presence mainly results from Sri Lanka's distinctive demands for India and China,as well as its projected national gains as a result of both countriesrise.To maximize its benefits,Sri Lanka adopts a dynamic balancing stance while dealing with China and India and avoids the side effects of socalled China-Sri Lanka-India tri-angle balancing.
作者 杨晓萍
出处 《南亚研究季刊》 CSSCI 2013年第2期93-99,6,共7页 South Asian Studies Quarterly
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