
美国南卡鲍勃琼斯大学汉语教学——科技手段在汉语教学中的作用 被引量:1

The United States south Carolina Bob Jones university Chinese teaching——The role of technology in Chinese teaching
摘要 本文旨在指出在对外汉语教学的课堂内外,综合运用科技手段开展教学的迫切性和重要性,以及利用科技可以提高对外汉语教学的效率和教学效果。随着电脑和互联网的迅猛发展,尤其是美国苹果公司的iPhone第4代席卷全球,人们的生活、工作和学习,各个方面都进入了一个崭新而又颇有挑战的新时期。如何更好地利用数码电子工具是对外汉语教学成功的关键。本文将举例说明目前在海外,尤其是在美国南卡鲍勃琼斯大学,对外汉语教学中常用的一些教育科技软件及其在教学上的综合应用,包括对外汉语老师如何可以在课堂内外有效利用科技来增强听、说、读和写四项汉语技能。 As the fast development of technology, technology integration takes a full swing into foreign language teaching and learning both inside and outside of classrooms. Results from research and studies show the urgency for teachers to wisely integrate technology in their teaching to best facilitate learning and bridge gaps between environmental vs. non - environmental learning; digital natives and digital immi- grants. The results from recent studies demonstrate the need for educators to take good control of technol- ogy in classrooms and beyond. Technology is an extremely powerful tool for foreign language classrooms. This paper will provide important information and suggest applications for foreign cially to those who teach Chinese as a foreign language language, to select proper technology tools hance listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. teachers, espe- in order to en-
作者 薛颖
出处 《教育文化论坛》 2013年第4期119-125,共7页 Tribune of Education Culture
关键词 科技 汉语 教学 Technology Chinese Teaching
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