
福建省籍各地市人群地中海贫血的分子流行病学研究 被引量:75

Molecular epidemiological analysis of α- and β- thalassemia in Fujian province
摘要 目的了解福建省籍各地市人群地中海贫血(简称地贫)的基因携带率、基因突变类型及其分布特征。方法采用分层整群方法随机抽取福建省9地市籍贯体检人群的静脉血,测定红细胞参数和用高效液相色谱法分析血红蛋白,表型阳性的标本用单管多重PCR方法检测中国人常见的3种α缺失型突变和PCR-寡核苷酸探针反相斑点杂交法检测非缺失α地贫基因突变及β-地贫基因突变。未知突变采用DNA直接测序法进行分析。结果11 234人中,共检出α和β地贫504例,地贫总携带率为4.41%。其中356例样本为α地贫,-^SEA/αα236例、-α^3.7/αα67例、-α4.2/αα24例、血红蛋白H病4例(-α3.7/-^SEA3例,-α4.2/-^SEA1例)、-α3.7/-α3.7 1例、-α3.7/-α4.2 1例、非缺失型α地贫中,αα^QS/αα7例、αα^CS/αα3例、αα^WS/αα2例,最常见的为-^SEA/αα占全部基因突变的66.29%;148例为p地贫,共检出12种基因突变类型,IVS-2-654(C→T)65例、CD41-42(-TCTT)40例、CD17(A—T)12例、一28(A→G)10例、CD27→28(+C)7例、起始密码子ATG→AGG5例、cD26(G→A)2例、CD71-72(+A)1例、IVS-1-1(G→T)1例、CD43(G→T)1例、-29(A→G)2例、Codon36(-C)2例,其中最常见的是IVS-2-654(C→T)和CD41-42(-TCTT),占全部基因突变的70.95%,并再次在中国人群中发现了Codon36(-C)的新的突变类型。α地贫复合β地贫双重杂合子9例。结论阐明福建省籍各地市人群α和β地贫的基因突变类型和频率,在国内具有较高的地贫发生率和遗传异质性,该研究为在本地区开展遗传咨询和产前诊断提供了参考借鉴资料。 Objective To investigate the gene prevalence and spectrum of α- and β-thalassemia in Fujian province. Methods A total of 11 234 of neonatal cord blood samples were collected for a prevalence study of a and β- thalassemia. All subjects included in this study were registered in 9 cities of Fujian province. A complete blood count and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were performed in all samples, with microcytosis (MCV≤79 fl and MCH≤27 pg) or HPLC positive cases further studied by DNA analysis, α- and β-thalassemia were determined by using gap-PCR and reverse dot blot (RDB) assays. Unknown positive samples were analyzed directly with DNA sequencing. Results Of all 11 234 cord blood samples, 356 were identified as from a-thalassemia gene carriers, 7 deletion genotypes were identified including 236 (-^SEA/αα) cases, 67 (-α^3.7/αα) cases, 24 (-α^4.2/αα) cases, 3 (-αα^3.7/-^SEA) cases, 1 (-α^4.2/-SEA ) cases, 1 (-α^3.7/-α^3.7 ) cases, 1 (-α^3.7/-α^4.2) cases;3 non-deletion genotypes were detected, including 7 (aaQS/aa) cases,3 (aaCS/aa) cases, 2 (aaWS/aa) cases, the most common mutation was--SEA/aa, which accounted for 66.29%,148 individuals were found to have β- hemoglobin gene mutations . 12 differentmutations were identified, namely 65 IVS-2-654 (C→T) cases, 40 CD41-42 (-TCTT), 12 CD17 ( A→T) cases,10-28(A→G) cases,7 CD27-28(+C) cases, 5 start eodon ATG→AGG cases, 2 CD26(G→A) cases, 1 CD71-72 ( + A) eases, 1 IVS-1-1 (G→T) eases, 1 CD43 (G→T) cases, 2-29 (A→G) eases, 2 Codon 36 (-C) cases, the most common mutation was IVS-2-654 (C→T)and CD41-42 (- TCTT), which accounted for 70.95%. A novel β-globin gene mutation CD36 (--C) allele was also detected. The carrier rate of thalassemia in Fujian population is 4.41%. In addition, 9 β-thalassemia carriers were found with α- thalassemia mutation. Conclusion The research has revealed the type of gene mutations in α- and β- talassemia in Fujian province. The β-thalassemia mutations in Fujian province are eomplex, which were also obviously heterogeneous. This will significant value for screening the incidence, provide the valuable information for genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis.
出处 《中华医学遗传学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期403-406,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics
基金 福建省科技厅重点计划项目,福建省自然科学基金,福建省卫生厅医学创新课题,福建省临床重点专科建设项目,Support by Key Project from Fujian Provincial Department of Science and Technology,Fujian Provincial Department of Science and Technology,Fujian Medical Innovation Project,Key Clinical Specialty Discipline Construction Program of Fujian
关键词 Α-地中海贫血 Β地中海贫血 基因突变类型 分子流行病学 α-thalassemia β-thalassemia Genotype Molecular epidemiological
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