
数字教材关键要素的定位与实现 被引量:54

Locating and Implementing Vital Elements of Digital Textbook
摘要 在数字化学习的时代背景下,数字教材已成为支持课堂及课外学习的新型学习形态。然而,数字教材中的关键要素该如何定位并加以实现,才能满足学习者群智学习和个性学习的需要?回顾数字教材的发展历程及国内外已有研究,结合数字教材的阶段特点及主要问题,本文提出实现下一代数字教材设计与开发的"三层次五要素"。其中,三层次是指内容层、交流层和生成层;五要素是指与学习目标聚焦度高且可智能推送的学习资源,符合学科特色且实现离线使用、在线更新的学科工具,与资源实现多对多关联的学习活动,支持人际交往的社会认知网络,实现按需生成的个性化教材。 Digital textbooks are resources to support in-class and off-class learning in digital learning era. Yet, less attention has been paid to locate and implement vital elements in digital textbooks. This study aims to meet the need of group-intelligent learning and personalized learning by exploring this issue. After reviewing the history of digital text- book in the past decades, the authors divide digital textbooks into three generations, discuss major shorting for each one, and then shed light on five vital elements for the next generation of intelligent digital textbooks according to the analysis of literature review and practical investigation. The result indicates that learning materials, learning tools, learning activities, personal learning network, and customized learning are five pivotal elements for intelligent digital textbooks. This paper takes elementary English learning as an example and systematically introduces the applications of the five pivotal elements in designing and implementing digital English textbooks. It provides reference for research- ers and designers to develop future digital textbooks.
作者 孙众 骆力明
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期60-67,共8页 Open Education Research
基金 北京市教育科学"十二五"规划重点课题"智能英语学习资源的建设策略及应用研究"(AJA12132) 北京市教委科技面上项目"泛在资源建设的关键技术研究"(KM201310028016)
关键词 数字教材 学习资源 学习活动 智能 小学英语 digital textbook learning materials learning activities intelligent elementary English
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