目的:探讨益精汤治疗少弱精症(气滞血瘀型)的机理,为中医药治疗少弱精症提供理论依据。方法:将60例少弱精患者随机分成两组。治疗组30例,予益精汤口服,每日1剂,早晚分服。对照组30例,予左卡尼汀口服液10 mL,口服,2次/d。两组均以4周为1个疗程,观察3个疗程。观察患者在治疗前后的精液量、精液密度及活动力等指标。结果:治疗后两组精子参数各项指标中精液量、密度、成活率和活力均有改善,与治疗前比较,差异有显著性意义。结论:益精汤对于少弱精症(气滞血瘀型)患者精液参数的各项指标均有较好的改善,总有效率及各项精液参数均优于左卡尼汀口服液组。
Objective : To study the mechanism of Yijing Decoction in the treatment of asthenospermia ( Qi stagnation and blood stasis type )and TCM Oligoasthenotspermia and provide a theoretical basis. Methods: 60 cases of small weak sperm were randomly divided into two groups. The treatment group with 30 cases, was treated with Yijing Decoction orally, 1 agent a day in the morning and evening, 30 cases of the control group were given 10 mL levocarnitine oral liquid, twice a day. 4 weeks was I course, and there were 3 courses. Patients were observed before and after the treatment in the semen volume, density and activity index. Results : After treatment, sperm parameters indicators in the semen volume, density, survival rate and activity of both were improved, compared with those before treatment, there were significant differences. Conclusions : Yijing Decoction for asthenozoospermia ( Qi stagnation and blood stasis type ) can improve semen parameters. The total efficiency and the semen parameters were superior to those of levocarnitine oral liquid group.
Journal of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Yijing Decotion
azoospermia and severe oligozoospermia
type of deficiency of Qi stagntion and blood stasis
Levocarnitine oral liquid