
永磁场磁力研磨316L不锈钢实验研究 被引量:10

Experimental investigation of magnetic abrasive finishing of 316L stainless steel by permanent magnet device
摘要 基于磁力研磨,采用永磁极吸附雾化法制备的新型球形磨料,对316L不锈钢进行光整加工。研究了当加工时间和磁感应强度为定值时,主轴转速、加工间隙、磨料粒径、磨粒相粒径对表面粗糙度和材料去除量的影响及其变化规律。并利用正交设计得出优化的加工参数:转速S=1000r/min,加工间隙δ=1.5mm,磨料粒径为150~124μm时(磨粒相粒径为6μm),工件经研磨后平均原始表面粗糙度可由研磨前的0.275μm下降到0.038μm(工件最初表面粗糙度值为2.76μm)。 Basedon magnetic abrasive finishing, the 316L stainless steel was finished using permanent magnet pole device absorbent new spherical abrasive produced by gas atomization.The effects of the spindle revolution, working gap, magnetic abrasive size and abrasivesize on surface roughness and material removal quantity and its variation ruleswere studied when the time and the magnetic flux density was a fix value. And useorthogonal design to summarize the optimized machining parameters: S(spindle revolution)= 1 000 r/min, δ(working gap)=1.5 mm, magnetic abrasive size is 150~124 μm, which changethe average initial roughness of the work piece surfacefrom 0.275 μm to 0.038 μm(The original surface roughness of work piece is 2.76 μm) .
出处 《制造技术与机床》 北大核心 2013年第3期116-120,共5页 Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool
关键词 磁力研磨 球形磨料 316L不锈钢 正交设计 MagneticAbrasive Finishing Spherical Magnetic Abrasive 316L Stainless Steel Orthogonal Design
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