针对高速轴承中现存的失效问题,采用有限元方法,利用ANSYS Workbench软件,建立高速滚动轴承三维分析模型。在合理的边界条件下,对模型中各个滚动体与轴承内、外圈接触应力和变形进行数值计算,从而得到各个滚动体与轴承内、外圈的接触应力及变形量,以及3号滚动体与1号滚动体的对比图,得出了相同增量下各个滚动体的接触应力和接触变形的变化情况。同一力下不同滚动体的接触面积变化情况。计算结果与赫兹理论解接近一致,表明建立的模型及边界条件合理,准确。求解得到的各个滚动体的接触应力和变形为滚动轴承的失效形式分析与设计提供理论依据。
It aims at the high speed bearings' failure questions existing nowdays.Based On the finite element method,it establishes 3D analysis model of high-speed rolling bearing in ANSYS Workbench.With the reasonable boundary condition,every contact stress and deformation of rolling element with the inner ring and outer ring is calculated in the model,then obtaining the values of every contact stress and deformation of rolling element with the inner ring and outer ring,the contrast diagram of 3 rolling body and 1 rolling element,drawing the changes condition of the different rolling body’s contact stress and deformation under the same increment and the contact area changes of different rolling body under the same force.The computational values are consistent with Hertz values.The results show that the model and boundary condition are rational and correct.The obtained every contact stress and deformation of rolling element provides theoretical guide for the bearings' failure analysis and design.
Machinery Design & Manufacture