甘肃目前已有 1 1家上市公司 ,甘肃地方政府及有关部门应当特别珍惜这些宝贵的“壳资源”。要从培养产业选择意识、提高科技含量、加强公司治理结构建设、推动有效的资产重组等方面培育和促使现有上市公司快速成长 ,使每一个“壳资源”都得到充分利用 ,以便带动甘肃经济迅速发展 ,缩小与东部沿海地区的发展差距。同时 ,积极开发优势产业和培育新的上市公司 ,扩大上市公司队伍 ,调整甘肃的产业结构。此外 ,争取有关企业发行外资股 。
WT5BZ]:In Gansu, 11 companies have already come into the stock market. The local government and relevant department should treasure these “shell resources”. They should train these companies and quicken their growth by developing their consciousness of industry selection, increasing scientific contents, strengthening structural construction, and promoting efficient capital reorganization, so that every “shell resource” is fully used to quicken the economic development in this province and shorten the distance from the eastern coastal areas. Meanwhile, the industrial structure should be adjusted by developing new companies of advantageous industries for the market. Foreign capital stock should also be striven after so that Gansu may fill in the gap in the world capital market. [WT5HZ]
Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)