
论爱丁堡学派科学知识社会学的强纲领构建 被引量:1

On the Construction of Strong Platform of Scientific Knowledge Sociology of Edinburgh School
摘要 爱丁堡学派建构的科学知识社会学"强纲领"质疑理性主义,开创了科学知识社会学的理论方向,建构的理论背景非常丰富,但主要受维特根斯坦后期哲学、知识社会学和建构论等理论的影响。具体来说,维特根斯坦关于语言和思想的分析为强纲领的建构在哲学层面提供了理论基础;知识社会学所关注的信念的分布状况及其影响因素是强纲领需要回答和解决的主要问题,其蕴含着的"社会决定论"理论成分也极大启发了爱丁堡学派;建构论从哲学领域进入社会学领域,为爱丁堡学派科学知识社会学强纲领的建构提供了直接的理论来源。 The"Strong program"of scientific knowledge sociology established by Edinburgh School questioned rationalism and created the theory of scientific knowledge sociology. The"Strong programme"has rich theoretleal background, which is mainly influenced by Wittgenstein's Post-philosophy, Sociology of Knowledge and Constructivism. Firstly, Wittgenstein's analysis about language and thought provided philosophy theoretical basis to construct the strong programme. Secondly, the distribution patterns and their influ- ential factors of belief paid attention by Sociology of Knowledge are the main problems that" Strong programme" should answer and solve,and the implied "soeial determinism" also greatly inspired the Edinburgh School. At last, the infiltration of eonstructivism from philosophy to society provided a direct theoretical source for the Edinburgh School to construct "strong program"of sociology of scientific knowledge.
作者 艾战胜
出处 《长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第4期17-21,共5页 Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology:Social Science
关键词 爱丁堡学派 强纲领 维特根斯坦 科学知识社会学 知识社会学 建构论 Edinburgh School Strong Program Wittgenstein Sociology of Scientific Knowledge Sociology of Knowledge Constructivism
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