

Another Possibility of Chuang Tzu Interpretation:Schwartz’s Research of Chuang Tzu
摘要 在当今时代关注汉学界的《庄子》研究具有重要意义。史华慈作为具有深刻人文关怀的思想者,他对于人性之奥秘及命运的关切、对人的有限的自由的体认以及他对于人的复杂的意识活动的关注决定了他如何解释《庄子》。基于此,史华慈指出《庄子》思想中的神秘主义,并分析其特色所在,以丰富人类的神秘主义经验;他指出《庄子》对于事物相对性的认识,并区分了老子和庄子在此问题上的细微差别,向我们展示了思想史内部的复杂性和多样性。他对于《庄子》的自然观做了泛审美化的理解,认为庄子常用一种审美的姿态欣赏"大自然不可穷竭的多样性",以反对李约瑟对《庄子》的科学化解释,并救治西方社会中存在的"化约主义"的倾向。他对《庄子》对于"成心"的批评深有同感,但对《庄子》在"人与超越的非存在的合一"上的乐观态度则表示不满,因为他坚持人只有有限的自由和微弱的理解力。 As a thinker with profound humanistic care, B. Schwartz was concerned about the mystery and destiny of human nature, With realization of the limited freedom of humanity and attention to the complexity of consciousness, which influenced his interpretation of Chuang Tzu. B. Schwartz believed there was mysticism in Chuang Tzu, and analyzed the distinguishing nature of Chuang Tzu's mysticism in order to enrich human mystic experiences. He also pointed out that Chuang Tzu found the relativity of things and made a discrimination of the subtle differences between Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu on this matter and displayed the complexity and di- versity in the inner part of intellectual history. In order to argue against Needham's scientific interpretation of Chuang Tzu and criti- elze the reductionism of western philosophy, B. Schwartz insisted that Chuang Tzu's view of nature was aesthetic, and Chuang Tzu admired the nature with an aesthetic attitude. BI Schwartz can not agree with Chuang Tzu that people can be one with the transcendental existence, because he believes that people have only limited freedom and ability of understanding. It's valuable to reflect Chuang Tzu studies in the academic circle of Sinology in the present era, because it shows us another possibility of Chuang Tzu study, and can prompt the research of Chuang Tzu.
作者 徐强
出处 《长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第4期79-85,共7页 Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology:Social Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"庄子哲学当代解读的另一种可能"(10YJCZH191)
关键词 汉学 《庄子》 史华慈 解释学 sinology Chuang tzu B. Schwartz hermeneutics
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