
基于跨理论模型干预对提升肥胖儿童自尊的作用 被引量:3

Effects of transtheoretical model intervention on improving self-esteem of obese children
摘要 目的探索跨理论模型(TTM)在肥胖儿童自尊水平干预中的效果。方法采用类实验性研究,经随机抽样在3~6年级中抽取73名肥胖儿童进行干预,运用变化阶段量表和自尊量表对其进行评估(基线评估),根据评估结果进行基于TTM的体育锻炼及心理干预指导,分别在干预后1个月、6个月对研究对象进行跟进评估,分析干预前后肥胖儿童锻炼变化阶段的分布情况及自尊得分和BMI值的变化。结果干预前后,前意向阶段和保持阶段的肥胖儿童人数分布差异有统计学意义(P<0.001),自尊得分和BMI值差异无统计学意义,自尊得分在五个锻炼变化阶段间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001),BMI值在五个变化阶段间差异无统计学意义。结论处于锻炼较高阶段的儿童自尊得分高于低阶段的儿童,TTM干预可以促使肥胖儿童从前一阶段向下一阶段转变。 Objective To explore the effects of transtheoretical model(TTM) intervention on improving self-esteem status of obese children.Methods A quasi-experimental research was conducted using a repeated-measure,pretest-posttest control group design in one randomly-selected boarding school of Changsha,Hunan Province in China.Seventy-three obesity students(54 males,19 females) among grade three to six were included.All participants received first assessment,including: demographic data,stage of change questionnaire,and the Self-Esteem Scale(SES).According to the baseline data,different intervention measures based on TTM were given to different students to promote them to begin exercise and improve their self-esteem status.Follow-up assessments were collected respectively at 1-and 6-month after intervention.Intervention effects on proportion of obese children and self-esteem status as well as BMI were explored.All analyses were conducted using SPSS 17.0.Results After intervention,the proportion of obese children in precontemplation and maintenance stages was significantly different(P0.001).BMI and SES scores didn't change significantly.SES score was significantly different in five stages among three intervention points(P0.001).Conclusion Obesity children who are in the later stages have higher self-esteem scores than those in former stages.Intervention based on TTM can help obese children move through the stages of change.
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期585-588,595,共5页 Journal of Hygiene Research
基金 美国中华医学基金会(CMB)基金(No.10-020-201102)
关键词 跨理论模型 儿童肥胖 锻炼行为 自尊 transtheoretical model childhood obesity physical exercise self-esteem
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