基于Visual C++6.0进行可视化编程,以Microsoft SQL Server 2005为数据平台建立产品三维模型及图纸文档的机械产品管理系统;利用精确查询方法通过对产品技术数据按文件编号、文件名称等条件进行查询,实现了对机械产品的数字化信息的高效管理,提高了管理的准确率和效率。
Visual programming based on Visual C++ 6.0 and as the data platform Microsoft SQL Server 2005 establish 3D model and draw- ing documents management of mechanical products system; Using precise query method based on the technical data of the product accord to query for the document number, the name of file. It achieves the efficient management of mechanical products for digital information, and improves the accuracy and efficiency of management.
Development & Innovation of Machinery & Electrical Products