万灵农药 90 %可湿性粉剂应用于桑园的害虫防治 ,杀虫效力高 ,速度快 ,残毒期较短 ,有利于养蚕用叶。对家蚕的残毒期当浓度 10 0 0 0倍时是 9天 ,浓度为 50 0 0倍时是 12天。两种浓度的杀虫效果都较好 ,且采用 10 0 0
The effect of the 90% wettable powder of insecticide “Wan Ling”was used to prevent and control pests in mulberry field .This insecticide revealed a high effective on pests. It specially fitted to sericulture .The residual time of toxicity to silkworm was 9 days (at 10000-fold) to 12 days (at 5000-fold).The concentration of 10000-fold of the insecticide was recommended. [
Guangxi Sericulture