Cardiovascular events have hecome one of the main with coronary artery atherosclerosis sooner, and improve the tion, 105 pilots were tested for blood lipid, blood pressure, factors that threaten the safety of aviation. To find out pilots accuracy of predicting by noninvasive supplementary examina- biood glucose, body mass index, Carotid artery ultrasound, ECG exercise test and 64 multi-detector Dual-source CT coronary artery angiography. To compare sensitivity and specifici- ty to predict the probability of coronary artery atherosclerosis among Carotid atherosclerosis and ECG exercise test positive and risk factors. The Occupation characteristics of pilot maybe cause coronary artery atherosclerosis before other vascular bed. risk factors may be more important. A comprehensive analysis is necessary to predict the probability of coronary arter- y atherosclerosis.
Medicine & Philosophy(B)