
索拉非尼治疗晚期肾癌的临床研究 被引量:6

Progress of Safety and Efficacy of Sorafenib in Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma
摘要 探讨索拉非尼治疗晚期转移性肾癌的疗效和毒副反应。我院门诊收治的晚期肾癌患者共70例,服用索拉非尼,每个月进行1次疗效评价,每2个月进行一次影像学评价。70例患者中完全缓解(CR)0例、部分缓解(PR)2例、稳定(SD)40例、疾病进展(PD)1例,死亡27例。中位无进展生存期(PFS)18(6~65)个月,中位总生存期(OS)12个月。1年、2年、3年生存率分别为83.7%、40.9%、18.7%。有轻中度的不良反应,因此,索拉非尼对晚期肾癌有良好的治疗效果,并且药物副反应轻。 To explore the sorafenib treatment of advanced metastatic renal cell carcinoma efficacy and side reaction, a total of 70 cases with advanced metastatic renal cell carcinoma in our hospital have been selected. They were given oral sorafenib with oral, until not tolerance adverse reactions. Every month for efficacy evaluation. Once every 2 months imaging evalua- tion. An average medication time of 70 patients is CR 0 case, PR 2 cases, SD 40 cases, PD1 case, 27 cases of death. The median PFS was 18 (6 to 65) months. The median overall survival was 12 months. 1--year survival rate was 83.7%. 2-- year survival rate was 40.9 %. 3--year survival rate was 18.7 %. Adverse reactions are mild to moderate. Therefore, sor- afenih for advanced renal cell carcinoma have a good therapeutic effect and adverse drug reactions.
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2013年第7期52-53,56,共3页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
关键词 肾细胞癌 转移 索拉非尼 靶向治疗 renal cell carcinoma, metastatic, sorafenib, targeted therapy
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