

An experimental study about the effect of ginkgolide B on anti-early mouse embryo development
摘要 目的:观察银杏内酯B的抗早孕作用。方法:取昆明种未经产雌性孕鼠20只,随机分为A、B两组,每组10只。于妊娠第7~10天,连续每天向A组小鼠腹腔内注射银杏内酯0.07 ml(实验组),向B组小鼠注射相同剂量的生理盐水(对照组)。于妊娠第19天用脱颈椎法处死小鼠后,立即剖检受试小鼠,统计胚胎数目,并采集孕鼠子宫、卵巢、心、肝、肾组织进行病理学观察。结果:与对照组比较,腹腔注射银杏内酯组,胚胎数目明显减少或胚胎停止发育(P<0.001);蜕膜出现水肿或有炎性细胞浸润,卵巢、心、肝、肾脏组织未见明显组织学病变。结论:①银杏内酯能产生明显抗早期胚胎发育作用;②该研究所采用银杏内酯剂量对心、肝、肾、卵巢组织无明显毒性作用。 Objective: To explore the effect of ginkgolide B on anti - early embryo development. Methods: Twenty Kunming fe- male mice without producing were randomly divided into group A and group B. Between the 7 th to 10 th day of pregnancy, ginkgolide B (0. 07 ml ) was intraperitoneally injected to the mice of group A continually (as the experimental group) ; equal amount of physiological sa-line was injected intraperitoneally to the mice of group B as the control group. On the 19th day of pregnancy, the mice were executed by cervi-cal disconnecting for counting the number of embryos and the two sides of uterine horn, ovary, heart, liver, kidney were taken out immedi-ately for pathology observation. Results: Compared with the control group, the group injected intraperitoneally ginkgolide B had a signifi- cantly reduction about the number of mouse embryos (P 〈 0. 001 ), and the embryos's growth was retarded. The decidual of the mouse's utera became edema or being infiltrated by inflammatory cell. The ovary, the heart, the liver and the kidney of the mouse had not any pathological change during this experiment. Conclusion: ( 1 ) As a PAF antagonist, ginkgolide B has the effect of anti - early embryo development. (2) Ginkgolide B has no toxic effect on the ovary, the heart, the liver and the kidney of the mouse in this experimental doses.
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第23期3837-3839,共3页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
基金 贵州省中医药管理局项目基金资助〔D-263〕 贵州省遵义市红花岗科技局项目基金资助〔遵红科合社字:(2006)15号〕
关键词 银杏内酯B 血小板活化因子 早孕 小鼠 Ginkgolide B Platelet activating factor Early pregnency Mouse
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