
旅游度假区开发模式变迁的路径依赖及其生成机制——三亚亚龙湾案例 被引量:23

Path Dependence in Developmental Model Changes of Tourist Resorts:A Case Study of Yalong Bay National Tourist Resort in Sanya,China
摘要 旅游度假区作为开展度假旅游活动的专业化区域,是我国旅游产业实现转型升级的重要载体。旅游度假区的开发模式是目前国内外学界关注的焦点之一,但鲜见关于开发模式变迁的系统讨论和理论解释。文章指出,亚龙湾旅游度假区的开发模式经历了由"政府主导"模式到"企业主导"模式再到"政府主导、企业配合"模式的转变;并明确指出开发模式的变迁存在路径依赖。文章在探讨理解制度变迁路径依赖的两种不同进路的基础上,采纳"道路分岔口"的进路,并整合制度费用理论,提出了解释开发模式变迁路径依赖生成机制的基本命题,并进行了验证。研究表明,在亚龙湾旅游度假区开发模式选择的关键性节点上,理论上对开发模式选择具有影响力的行动主体面临诸多选择。但是,制度费用的存在从两个方面结构化了潜在选项:一方面,作为一种制度安排的开发模式的选择必须考虑到放弃之前开发模式的机会成本;另一方面,也必须考虑到选择新的开发模式的潜在新增成本。制度遗产、利益集团讨价还价能力等均不同程度、不同方向地影响了开发模式的制度费用和制度收益,从而影响开发模式的选择与变迁路径。该研究推进了关于海南乃至转型期中国制度变迁的理论解释,并拓展和深化了原有制度变迁的路径依赖理论。 The tourism industry in China has been transformed and improved by the creation of tourist resorts ; such resorts offer specialized areas in which tourists can enjoy various vacation activities. While developmental models have long been a hot topic in both domestic and international research on tourist resorts, extant literature has rarely theoretically discussed and explained changes in developmental models. The focus of this article is on the case study of Yalong Bay National Tourist Resort (YBNTR) in Sanya, Hainan Province. The resort is one of China' s longest established and most famous tourist resorts. The developmental models of YBNTR have experienced a number of changes, shown as follows. The initial stage (1988 -1995) featured local government (that is, the Sanya municipal government) in an all-dimensionally dominant position. This stage then changed, seeing the main developer (Yalong Development Company Limited) as the dominant actor for more than a decade (1995 ~ 2008). However, the current stage (2008-present) again places the local government in the dominant position, but in coordination with the main developer (Yalong Development Company Limited). This study also confirms that the evolution of the developmental models of YBNTR displays path dependence. Two approaches are discussed in this article to better understand path dependence in institutional changes, namely ' Road Juncture' and ' Trodden Path' The ' Road Juncture' approach is adopted here to integrate with the theory of Institutional Cost. Thus, an explanatory proposition for the formative mechanism of path dependence in developmental model changes is constructed and explained. It is also demonstrated in this study that within the key time junctures of deciding the developmental model for YBNTR, the influential actors such as local government (the Sanya municipal government), developers (the Yalong Development Company Limited) and nearby communities (the villages of Liupan and Bohou) were theoretically provided with many choices. However, the existence of transaction costs (or within the context of this research, the institutional costs) have structured the potential options of the influential actors in the following two ways: on the one hand, the opportunity costs of giving up the previous developmental model and its institutional arrangements should be fully calculated and taken into account; and on the other hand, the potential added costs of adopting a new developmental model should also be fully and carefully calculated and considered. In addition, institutional legacy, the bargaining capacity of the interest groups (for example, the main developer, nearby villagers and municipal governments) have also influenced the institutional costs and institutional returns in different directions and to varying extents, and have therefore conditioned and restricted the future directions and trajectories of developmental model changes. By adopting a case study approach and a theoretical integration strategy, the findings derived from this study can offer important contributions to explain institutional changes in Hainan in particular, and in transitional China in general, while also expanding and deepening previous theories on path dependence in institutional changes.
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 2013年第8期58-68,共11页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家旅游局规划项目(13TAAK001)资助~~
关键词 旅游度假区 开发模式变迁 路径依赖 制度变迁 制度费用 tourist resort developmental model changes path dependence institutional changes institutional costs
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