
中国工程企业执行境外EPC项目难点研究 被引量:7

Study on the Difficulties in Executing Overseas EPC Projects of Chinese Engineering Enterprises
摘要 研究目的:近年我国工程企业在沙特、印尼、波兰、澳大利亚、土耳其、几内亚等国家的EPC项目实施情况来看,问题较多,教训惨痛,这其中当然有国别差异和个别市场经验不足的问题,但更重要的是对境外EPC项目承建模式把握不准确、思路不清晰,从而在实施过程中错失良机,越陷越深,最终导致巨额亏损。本文运用项目管理专业理论,通过作者自身工作经历及对中国企业实施境外EPC项目的长期研究,结合中国工程企业境外业务的实际情况,为有效控制EPC项目风险提出了部分解决思路和参考建议。研究结论:(1)要客观的分析市场环境、认清EPC产品实质、树立属地化目标,以促进由内向到外向性经济业务的转型;(2)需认真分析EPC产品形成的生产要素,了解、熟悉并掌握这些资源,以完成从承包商到集成商的转变;(3)在执行EPC项目过程中,更要抓住关键环节,以"设计为主"和"契约精神"为原则处理核心工作,最终达到EPC项目实施风险可控的目标;(4)该研究成果可应用于境外交通建设、电力建设、石化化工及矿山开发等领域的大型EPC总承包项目的前期决策、项目管理等工作中。 Research purposes: In recent years, the Chinese engineering enterprises have met great difficulties and earned painful lessons in executing EPC projects in Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Poland, Australia, Turkey, Guinea and other countries. Talking about the reasons, there are factors of country differences and lacking of experiences in some specific markets, but what % more important is the lacking of accurate understanding and clear thinking about the construction mode of the overseas EPC projects which results in an incapability of catching good opportunities in project implementation and courses the enterprise sinking in the unfavorable situation deeper and deeper, eventually leads to huge losses. In this paper, the author tries to illustrate this question from the angle of project management theory. Combining the actual situation of Chinese engineering enterprises ~ overseas business, and based on her working experience and long - term research of Chinese enterprisesSoverseas EPC projects, the author puts forward some ideas for solution and advices for reference in controlling the EPC projectss risks effectively. Research conclusions: ( 1 ) Analyze the market environment objectively, recognize the substance of EPC product and establish the objective of localization so as to promote the transformation of economic business from internal - oriented mode to export - oriented mode ; ( 2 ) Analyze the production factors of EPC product carefully, understand and masterthese resources so as to complete the transformation of role from a contractor to an integrator; (3) Grasp the key processes, and stick to the " design -led" and " contract- based" principle so as to achieve the target that the implementation risks of EPC projects are controllable. (4) These research results can be applied to preliminary decision - making, project management and other works of large- scale overseas EPC projects in fields such as transportation construction, electric power construction, petrifaction and chemical engineering, mining development, etc.
作者 王绮绮
出处 《铁道工程学报》 EI 北大核心 2013年第7期111-115,共5页 Journal of Railway Engineering Society
关键词 工程企业 境外项目 EPC项目 engineering enterprise overseas projects EPC projects
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