以地理学的"次第占居"(sequent occupancy)理论,使用基本史料,并配合田野实察,探明客家人在清朝时期渡海來台,于苗栗的西湖溪谷地,从下游上溯而逐步开垦并且在谷地中建立其聚落的历程。西湖溪谷地客家人的順溪而上的开垦和建庄,具体地说明汉人在台湾依据河流从下而上的开发形态。谷地中的客家聚落空間以依次散布的集村和散落家屋的形式而存在,其四周是狭窄的稻田,在较高一点的台地上则是村庄、商店街。客家人先是从原住民手中取得土地,发展他们熟悉的灌溉式水田耕作,再则是建立村庄,继而透过村中的儒学教育培養出自己的士子,建立社会领导阶层。村庄中均有民间宗教的神祇崇祀,祂们的庙宇就是谷地中客家聚落空间的神圣中心,客家人崇祀关公、妈祖、神农(五谷)大帝,一则呈现谷地中农业文明的发展,一则呈现庶民儒教的特色。
This article discusses the process of Hakka people's colony at the Xihu River valley in Miaoli area during the Qing Dynasty. The discussion is based on the geographic "sequent occupancy theory" and certain relevant historical and field-research materials. Hakka people's upstream colonization at the Xihu River valley is an illustrative example of how the Hans reclaimed lands along the rivers in Taiwan. The Hakkas built up their sequentially scattered settlements-- mostly villages and high streets--on plateaus surrounded by narrow rice fields. They obtained territories from the aborigi- nals, and cultivated the lands with the paddy farming method which they were familiar with. Eventually, Hakka people es- tablished their townships in which they implemented the Confucian educational and social systems transplanted from Main- land China. Worship of gods in folk religions was practiced among most of the communities, and the temples were the sa- cred centers of those Hakka residential areas by then. The gods worshiped by Hakka people include the Lord Guan, the Mother-Ancestor, and the Emperor of the Five Grains, etc., and this represents not only the development of agricultural civilization in the valleys but also the major features of Confucian religions abided by the common folks.
Fujian-Taiwan Cultural Research
Qing Dynasty, Xihu River of Miaoli, sequent occupancy theory, the settlement of Hakka, Confucian religions, sacred space