
车用滑移门系统多体运动动力学分析建模 被引量:6

Kinematic and Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Automobile Sliding Door
摘要 基于多刚体运动动力学理论,引入欧拉四元数描述多刚体连杆的位置和姿态,构建了针对车用滑移门系统多体运动学分析的数学模型。基于运动学定常约束方程,导出了滑移门动力学控制方程。应用建立的多刚体动力学模型,对某车型滑移门分别进行了相同初始和边界条件下的模型求解,得到滑移门在一次开启过程中的质心轨迹和加速度曲线。在用多体动力学商用分析软件验证了模型的正确性基础上分析了两组解算结果,揭示了滑移门在运动过程中弯因素影响整体稳定性的运动学和动力学机制。所建立的数学模型对车用滑移门的工程设计具有重要指导意义。 This paper was based on the kinematic and dynamic theory of multi rigid body and firstly, constructed the mathematic model of automobile sliding door system for kinematic analysis with introducing euler quaternion to describe the position and gesture of the rigid links. Further, the dynamic equations were deduced based on the kinematic quasi-steady constrain equations. The dynamic model of the sliding door system was solved under the same original and boundary conditions to get the trace of the center of mass of the sliding door and the acceleration curve during a door opening process. The result was analyzed after the proving of the correctness of the model by a set of software for multi-body dynamic analysis, and the kinematic and dynamic mechanism of the influence of the factors such as the bent rails on the stability of the entire system. The mathematic model had an essential meaning for the engineering design of the automobile
出处 《机电一体化》 2013年第5期18-22,61,共6页 Mechatronics
基金 国家自然科学基金委员会创新研究群体科学基金(51121063) 教育部高等学校学科创新引智计划(B06012)
关键词 车用滑移门 多体运动学 多体动力学 建模 稳定性 automobile sliding sliding door. door muhi-body kinematics multi-body dynamics modeling stability
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