
基于掩蔽效应和抖动调制的盲水印方案 被引量:2

Blind Watermark Scheme Based on Masking Effect and Dither Modulation
摘要 通过对信号处理领域抖动调制原理的分析,并结合人类视觉系统的掩蔽效应,提出了一个DCT域盲水印模型。在MATLAB仿真环境中,针对二值图像水印,实现了水印的预处理、嵌入、提取以及F范数下水印检测。在水印嵌入过程中,通过自动调节量化步长改善了水印的透明性,水印检测时无需原始宿主图像,实现了盲检测,而且省略了反余弦变换过程,降低了算法复杂度。仿真实验表明,水印算法在JPEG高强度压缩、剪切、各种噪声叠加以及多重水印等攻击下具有高鲁棒性。算法思想可应用于数字版权保护以及隐秘通讯等领域。 Through analysis of dither modulation algorithm of signal processing and the masking efect of human visual system, a DCT domain btind watermark model was proposed. Walermark preprocessing, embedding, extraction, aml F norm-based detection were realized for binary image watermarks in MNFLAB sinmlation environment. The impercepti- bility of watermark was improved through automatically adjusting the quantization step during watermarking. Blind de- tection of watermark was realized without the original host image and algorithm complexity was reduced by leaving out inverse discrete cosine transform process. The simulation results showed that the scheme has stronger robustness against conventional attacks such as higher JPEG compression, cropping, noise overlap, multiple watermarking, etc. This scheme can be applied in digital copyright protection and secret communications.
出处 《包装工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第15期114-119,共6页 Packaging Engineering
基金 上海市教委“085工程”重点项目:现代服务经济微观基础再造研究(Z08511037) 云计算环境下商务信息数据处理(Z08512053)
关键词 抖动调制 离散余弦变换 人类视觉系统 掩蔽效应 盲提取 dither modulation discrete cosine transform human visual system masking effect blind extraction
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