
创新绩效中“近朱者赤”现象研究 被引量:1

A Study on " Jin Zhu Zhe Chi " Phenomenon of Innovation Performance
摘要 为了检验员工创新绩效中"近朱者赤"现象,通过收集咨询网络数据,利用Ucnet6计算咨询网络中每位员工与创新绩效水平高的员工的距离,并整合成欧几里德距离,然后以标准化后的欧几里距离为自变量,以标准化后的创新绩效为因变量,利用SPSS15.0进行阶层回归分析。研究表明,员工创新绩效中"近朱者赤"现象的确存在。在此基础上,分别从社会认同理论、自我归类理论、相似-吸引理论和参照群体理论对"近朱者赤"现象进行解释。 To verify the " Jin Zhu Zhe Chi " phenomenon of innovation performance , this paper collects the social network data , and then uses the software of Ucinet6to calculate every employees'distance to the target employees whose innovation performance are excellent.After that , the author integrates the distances into Euclidean distance , and uses the standardized Euclidean distance as the independent variables , and uses the standardized innovation performance as dependent variables to test the " Jin Zhu Zhe Chi " phenomenon by the method of hierarchical regression analysis in software of SPSS15.0.The conclusion shows that the " Jin Zhu Zhe Chi " phenomenon dose exists.On this basis , the author uses social identity theory , self-categorization theory , similarity attraction theories and reference group theory to explain the mechanism of the " Jin Zhu Zhe Chi " phenomenon.
作者 丁浩 王炳成
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第15期25-29,共5页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(09YJC630145)
关键词 员工创新 创新绩效 近朱者赤现象 社会网络分析 社会认同 Employees'Innovation Innovation Performance " Jin Zhu Zhe Chi " Phenomenon Social Network Analysis Social Identify
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