
高速列车座椅外观设计“特征-风格”映射机制的推理方法 被引量:5

Reasoning method of “feature-style” mapping mechanism of high-speed train seat appearance design
摘要 分析了我国高速列车座椅设计的发展现状和未来趋势,提出了高速列车座椅设计知识的挖掘方法.结合人类的语言习惯提出了设计风格的描述和量化方法,在开展形态调研分析的基础上提取了列车座椅的关键特征属性.应用粗糙集理论实现了基于目标风格的造型特征集约减和重要度计算,从而建立了高速列车座椅"特征-风格"间的映射关系和推理方法.实例分析的结果表明,这种基于规则推理的设计方法能够达到用户对产品设计的感性需求,较以往完全由设计师主观思维所主导的设计具有更强的针对性和指导性,有助于设计师创造性思维的发散和收敛. The current situation and future trends of China’s high-speed train seat design is analyzed briefly.A design know ledge mining method used for the high-speed train seat is proposed.A describing and quantitative approach of design style according to human language habits is put forw ard.Based on morphological research and analysis the attributes of the key characteristics of the train seat are extracted.By using rough set theory the characteristic attribute reduction and importance calculation are implemented based on objective style requirement.Thus the"feature-style"mapping mechanism and inference method of high-speed train seat design are constructed.The instance analysis results show that this design method based on the rule inference method can achieve user’s perception requirement to product design.Compared w ith previous design process dominated completely by designers’ subjective thinking the propoesd approach is more directive and instruction,w hich is helpful to the divergence and convergence of the designers’ creative thinking.
出处 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期771-776,共6页 Journal of Southeast University:Natural Science Edition
基金 教育部人文社科基金资助项目(12YJAZH134) 江苏省2011年度普通高校研究生科研创新计划资助项目(CXLX-0098 CX-LX-0099)
关键词 高速列车座椅 风格 映射机制 粗糙集 设计推理 high-speed train seat style mapping mechanism rough set theory design reasoning
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