学生对教师的课堂教学所进行的评价 (简称“学生评教”) ,作为整个教学质量监控体系中的一个重要组成部分 ,不仅对教师的教学起到了很好的导向作用 ,也能在教学管理中起到“指挥棒”的作用。本文对学生评教工作进行了研究 。
Students' appraising teachers' classroom teaching ( “SAT”) , as an important part of the system of supervising and controlling teaching quality, it not only has a good guiding function in teacher's instruction, but also has a “baton” function in instruction management. This paper has studied the theory of SAT,and has analysed the problems that SAT faces.
Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences