
冷战背景下美国小说创作论析 被引量:3

The Creation of the American Novels against the Background of the Cold War
摘要 冷战期间,美国国内反苏反共甚嚣尘上,麦卡锡主义肆虐一时,美国国内思想文化界万马齐喑。在此背景下,美国小说创作呈现出一种混乱的局面,一部分作家以一种隐晦的创作手法来反映美国的社会现实,借以抒发自己的情怀;一部分作家在政府冷战思维的影响下参与创作反苏反共的冷战小说,为美国的对外文化遏制战略摇旗呐喊。运用历史唯物主义理论和文学批评原理对冷战背景下的美国小说创作进行梳理和评判,有助于揭示冷战对美国小说创作产生的影响,同时可以从一个侧面反映冷战斗争的严酷性和复杂性。 During the Cold War, anti - Russian and anti - Communism as well as MeCarthyism were spre .ading widely in Ameri- ca, and the American domestic cultural field fell into silence. Against this background, the creation of fiction in America hand a messy situation. Some novelists applies the traditional critical realistic writing style to expose and criticize the American society in or- der to express their dissatisfaction with the society. Some novelists, under the influence of the governmental cold war thinking, partici- pated in the creation of the cold war fiction to serve the American cultural cold war strategy. Applying the historic materialistic theory and literary critic principles to appraise the creation of fiction in America during the Cold War can help to expose the effect of the Cold war on the American fiction creation as well as to reflect the cruelty and complexity of the Cold War.
作者 史澎海
出处 《北方论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期46-49,共4页 The Northern Forum
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目"冷战期间美国对中东国家的心理战研究"(13YJA770029)
关键词 美国 冷战 文化遏制战略 小说 U.S.A the Cold War the cultural containment strategy the fiction creation
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