
泥岩/页岩:中国元古宙—古生代海相沉积盆地主要烃源岩 被引量:28

Shale and Mudstone : Essential Source Rocks in the Proterozoic to Paleozoic Marine Basins in China
摘要 在中国元古宙—古生代海相沉积体系中,碳酸盐岩是最主要的沉积岩类型,长期以来研究的重点也一直是碳酸盐岩,对海相泥岩/页岩的关注比较少,并且认为碳酸盐岩是海相沉积盆地中主要的烃源岩。对中国南方上、中、下扬子地区、滇黔桂地区、塔里木盆地、鄂尔多斯盆地、华北地区等147条剖面、289口探井及浅井约11200余个样品有机碳含量的分析与统计表明,泥岩/页岩有机质丰度高,是中国元古宙—古生代海相沉积盆地中主要的烃源岩类型,而碳酸盐岩有机质丰度普遍较低,仅仅是次要的烃源岩类型。海相碳酸盐岩中有机质的含量与碳酸盐含量呈现弱的负相关性,泥质输入有利于形成高有机质丰度的碳酸盐岩烃源岩,但并不是高有机质丰度碳酸盐岩烃源岩发育的必要条件,决定碳酸盐岩烃源岩有机质丰度的主要因素是有机质的生产率、有机质的沉积与保存环境。中国元古宙—古生代海相沉积盆地中并不缺乏高有机质丰度泥岩/页岩类好烃源岩,上、中、下扬子地区主要发育于上震旦统陡山沱组、下寒武统、上奥陶统—下志留统、上二叠统;华南地区主要发育于中、下泥盆统;塔里木盆地主要发育于下寒武统、下奥陶统及中上奥陶统;华北地区为中新元古界洪水庄组、下马岭组。泥灰岩类碳酸盐岩烃源岩在塔里木盆地相对比较发育,在中国南方地区只有下二叠统相对发育。 Carbonates are main sedimentary rock in the Proterozoic to the Paleozoic sedimentary basins of China and regarded as the main source rock for hydrocarbon , but less attention has been given to marine mudstone and shale.The statistics of organic carbon contents for more than 11200 samples from 147 outcrop sections and 289 wells in the Yangtze area , Yunnan , Guizhou and Guangxi provinces of the southern-western China , Tarim and ordos basins of the northwestern-northern China , show that shales/mudstones are rich in organic matter and are the essential source rocks in the Proterozoic to the Paleozoic marine basins.The Carbonates are poor in organic matter and are secondary source rock for hydrocarbon. The TOC is inweak negative relation to carbonate content in marine carbonatic rock.Mud input is favorable for the formation of organic-rich carbonate source rock , but is not an essential condition.Major factors determining the concentration of organic matters are productivity , sedimentary and preservation environments.The Proterozoic to the Paleozoic marine basins of China are not lack of organic-rich shale or mudstone ,which occur widely in the Doushantuo Formation of the Neoproterozoic , the Lower Cambrian , the Upper ordovician-Lower Silurian and the Upper Permian in the Yangtze area , the Lower-Middle Devonian in the Yunnan , Guangxi and southern Guizhou provinces , the Lower Cambrian , the Lower or dovician and the Middle-Upper ordovician in the Tarim basin ; the Hongshuizhuang and Xiamaling formations of the Mesoproterozoic to the Neoproterozoic in the Northern China.Carbonate source rocks , such as lime mudstone , marl and argillaceous limestone ,occur locally in the Cambrian and or dovician , Tarim basin , and in the Lower Permian , Southern China.Source rock of hydrocarbon argillaceous carbonatic rock is well developed within the Tarim basin and relatively enriched in the Lower Permian in southern China.
出处 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期905-921,共17页 Acta Geologica Sinica
基金 国家"十五"重点科技公关课题(编号2004BA616A020-01-01) 中国石油天然气股份公司科技项目(编号04051-04) 中国石化股份有限公司科技项目(编号2004-08)共同资助成果
关键词 海相沉积 泥岩 页岩 碳酸盐岩 有机碳 烃源岩 古生代 marine sediment shale / mudstone carbonate organic carbon source rock Paleozoic
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