知识创新是由多种类型、层次、方式整合而成的新事物。知识创新所实现的基本整合是认识与实践的整合 ,知识作为无形要素融合于实践之中。创新知识自身可以由不同学科、形式、主体的知识组合而成。知识创新要把知识、信息整合为创新决策及其模型 ,在实践中把各种资源整合为创新事物。
Knowledge innovation is integrated from all kinds of factors into new things. The basic integration for knowledge innovation is that of cognition and practice. The knowledge for innovation can be composed from different knowledge,which exists in many disciplines and people. During knowledge innovation, subject integrates information into the decision about innovation, and all resources into crated things. There is the integration of many abilities of subject in knowledge innovation.
Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)