背景:小口径人工血管对生物相容性和抗凝血的要求远远高于普通大口径人工血管,因此血管移植体内原位诱导组织再生成为了新的研究方向。目的:总结近几年静电纺复合纳米纤维小口径管状支架的主要研究进展,并讨论其在体内原位诱导血管再生方面的重要应用。方法:由第一作者检索中国期刊网CNKI全文数据库、万方数据库及ISI Web of Knowledge外文数据库,有关复合纳米纤维小口径管状支架的制备方法、血管支架仿生天然细胞外基质微环境的表面修饰以及种植体植入后生物相容性和安全性评价等方面的文献。结果与结论:静电纺复合纳米纤维制备小口径管状支架,即将天然材料和合成材料共纺在一起,这样既能克服天然生物高分子材料力学性能的不足,又能避免合成材料在生物相容性和安全性的缺陷,成为制备小口径血管组织工程支架的必然趋势。同时制备多层血管,进行功能化修饰,模拟天然细胞外基质的结构和功能,将成为用于心血管组织修复及再生小口径血管组织工程研究的新方向。在获得上述新进展的同时,经动物实验检验的静电纺血管支架以聚合物为主。尽管这类支架采用了各种手段避免血栓、炎症等不良反应,其生物相容性仍旧无法与天然材料相比。由此可见,在天然材料与合成材料之间找到一个最佳比例,使复合材料的力学性能和血管相容性达到一个平衡,将会显著提高静电纺复合纳米纤维支架在小口径血管组织再生中的应用。
BACKGROUND:Due to the much higher requirement of biocompatibility and anticoagulant of smal-diameter vascular grafts than those of large-diameter ones, in situ blood vessel regeneration occurs as a new research direction. OBJECTIVE:To summarize the recent research development of electrospun smal-diameter scaffolds and to explore the application of in situ blood vessel regeneration and the development tendency. METHODS:The first author retrieved China National Knowledge Infrastructure database, Wanfang data and ISI Web of Knowledge foreign database to retrieve literatures addressing the fabrication of electrospun smal-diameter nanofibrous vascular grafts, surface modification and mimicking extracel ular matrix, as wel as the evaluation of biocompatibility and security after grafting. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Electrospun smal-diameter nanofibrous vascular grafts have emerged as promising candidates in vascular tissue engineering. By using both natural and synthetic polymers, the scaffolds can achieve a good balance between mechanical property and biocompatibility. Meanwhile, the fabrication of multi-layered vascular scaffolds, functional surface modification and mimicking extracel ular matrix structural y and functional y are now becoming attractive research directions. However, at current stage, electrospun vascular scaffolds used clinical y are basical y formed by synthetic materials, which have limited biocompatibility and anticoagulant activity. In this case, more efforts should be paid to find an optimal ratio between natural and synthetic materials for the improvement of biocompatibility and anticoagulant ability of smal-diameter vascular grafts.
Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research