
国外高校图书馆电子书利用权益相关问题探究 被引量:16

Issues on Using Rights of E-books in Academic Libraries at Abroad
摘要 电子书在国外高校图书馆的使用主要存在如下问题:①对于图书馆读者使用电子书的限制:对于浏览、打印、下载和传送文件的限制;数字版权管理的限制。②图书馆文献流通和馆际互借的限制:对于用户数量和用户类型的限制;对于流通的限制;对于以课程储备为目的的电子书使用的限制和对于馆际互借的限制;③电子书阅读器在高校图书馆的借阅限制:专有软件和文件格式的限制;不能离线访问的限制;用户设备上的电子书存在被撤销的潜在可能。应对许可限制最直接的方法就是从供应商处获取不限制使用的电子书、与其他图书馆和联盟合作从为用户争取最大权益的角度出发与出版商谈判对图书馆界有利的许可条款,并尽量购买供应商提供可接受的条款的电子书,同时培养用户良好的电子书使用习惯。 The sharing and using of e-book in academic libraries at abroad have three main issues : ( 1 ) restrictions on the use of e-books by library readerss: restrictions on viewing, printing, downloading and transferring files, on digital rights management; (2) restrictions on library circulation and interlibrary loan: restrictions on the number and types of users, on circulation, on the use of e-books for course reserving, and on interlibrary loan; (3) restrictions on lending e- book readers (devices) in academic libraries: restriction on proprietary software and file formats, on the need for continual Internet access, and the potential for withdrawing content from users' devices. The most direct methods of responding to license restrictions are to unrestrictedly access to e-books from vendors, to work with other libraries and consortia to negotiate favorable license provisions, to try to purchase e-books under the terms accepted by suppliers, and to train users to develop good habits of using e-books.
作者 李京
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第13期76-82,共7页 Library and Information Service
关键词 高校图书馆 电子书 电子阅读器 许可限制 academic library e-book e-books reader license restriction
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