
水产品中的黄曲霉毒素:一个潜在的食品安全问题 被引量:5

Aflatoxins in Seafood: a Potential Threat to Food Safety
摘要 黄曲霉毒素及其生物转化物是对人和动物非常有害的食源致癌物,是世界上分布最广泛和最令人担忧的食品及饲料污染物。过去十多年间,植物成分被越来越多地应用于鱼饲料中,这些植物成分使水产品有被真菌毒素污染的很大的风险。研究表明,黄曲霉毒素在水产饲料中普遍存在并在水产生物体内富集,会显著破坏水产生物的健康和质量,尤其是在水产生物组织中(甚至可食组织)已检测出黄曲霉毒素的存在,对消费者的公共卫生健康产生了潜在危害。但是,黄曲霉毒素对水产品安全的影响仍被忽视而缺少深入研究。针对不同的水产生物对黄曲霉毒素的敏感性不同,及真菌毒素种类繁多的状况,检测和去除水产生物和水产品中的真菌毒素(包括黄曲霉毒素)将成为今后维护公共健康的一个重要研究方向。 Aflatoxins and their animal biotransformation products, known as foodborne carcinogens, have been associated with serious harmful effects on human and animal health. Therefore, aflatoxins are the most investigated, widespread and worrisome sources for the contamination of foods and feed worldwide. Over the last 10 years, plant-based ingredients have been increasingly used in fish diets, leading to a high risk for mycotoxin contamination in seafood. Aflatoxins are commonly detected in aquafeeds and accumulated in aquatic organisms. Aflatoxins and their metabolites could dramatically damage the health of aquatic species and reduce the quality of seafood. Furthermore, mycotoxin residues including aftatoxins in fish tissues including edible part have been detected. The presence of aflatoxins in aquatic species and their impact on seafood are still under estimation and investigation. In the future, due to the susceptibility in aquatic species and the diverse varieties of mycotoxin, we should make great efforts to detect and remove mycotoxins including aflatoxins in aquatic species and seafood to protect public health.
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第15期324-328,共5页 Food Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31000823)
关键词 水产品 黄曲霉毒素 食品安全 水产生物 seafood aflatoxin food safety, aquatic species
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