
HIV-1 Vpu蛋白的原核表达、鉴定和纯化 被引量:1

Expression,Identification and Purification of HIV-1 Vpu Protein
摘要 目的:克隆、表达、纯化人免疫缺陷病毒Ⅰ型(HIV-1)Vpu蛋白,为其功能及免疫学研究奠定基础。方法:PCR扩增Vpu基因,纯化、酶切后克隆到原核表达载体pET32a中,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)菌株获得表达工程菌株,IPTG诱导蛋白表达,免疫印迹鉴定目的蛋白,亲和层析纯化蛋白。结果:构建了HIV-1 Vpu蛋白的原核表达载体Vpu-pET32a,并在大肠杆菌中高效表达,目的蛋白呈可溶性形式存在,免疫印迹检测显示为目的蛋白,经Ni-NTAAgarose纯化获得了高纯度的目的蛋白。结论:在原核表达系统中表达了可溶性HIV-1 Vpu蛋白,为进一步进行HIV-1 Vpu蛋白的免疫原性和功能研究奠定了基础。 Objective: To clone, express and purify HIV-1 Vpu protein in vitro. Methods: HIV-1 Vpu gene was amplified by PCR and inserted into plasmid pET32a to construct a recombinant prokaryotic expression vector Vpu-pET32a, which was transformed into E.coli BL21(DE3). The expression and purification conditions were opti-mized. Protein purified was identified with Western blot. Results: HIV-1 Vpu expressing vector was constructed and transformed into E.coli BL21(DE3). Soluble HIV-1 Vpu was expressed by inducing the strain with 1 mmol/L IPTG for 4 hours. Western blot showed that the recombinant protein could be identified by specific antibody. Con-clusion: Recombinant HIV-1 Vpu protein was successfully expressed and purified, this lays foundation for the study of HIV-1 Vnu's structure and functions in vitro.
出处 《生物技术通讯》 CAS 2013年第4期474-477,共4页 Letters in Biotechnology
基金 国家自然科学基金(81072348)
关键词 人免疫缺陷病毒Ⅰ型 Vpu蛋白 原核表达 HIV-1 Vpu protein prokaryotic expression
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