目的探讨准分子激光屈光性角膜手术前后角膜地形图△SimK变化值在散光度数变化判断中的作用。方法 对近视度为-1. 50~-24.00D,散光度数-0. 75~-5.50 D的患者 89例 150眼行准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术(PRK)或准分子激光原位角膜磨削术(LASIK),观察6个月以上。经计算机得出角膜曲率△SimK变化值 X与临床散光度数变化值Y的散点图及相关系数r值。结果手术前后X与Y的关系:Y=1.4536X+0.5734,r=0.7212,P<0.001。结论准分子激光手术前后角膜地形图△SimK变化值与临床散光度数变化有高度相关性,对判断术后散光度数变化有重要的意义。
Objective To assess the role of corneal topography in predicting the refractive astigmatism power after refractive surgery. Methods 150 eyes (89 cases ) of myopia astigmatism (> 0. 75D ) were treated with photorefractive keratectomy(PRK) or laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), and were followed up for more than 6 months. Preoperative and postoperative A SlinK were measured by corneal topography. The relationship between the △ SimK reduction of corneal topography and the clinical refractive astigmatism reduction from preoperative stage to 6 months or more postoperative stage was evaluated by regression analysis. Results The mean postoperative A SlinK reduction was 0.58±0.39D, and the mean postoperative clinical refractive astigmatism reduction was 1. 415±0.78D. There was significant correlation between the A SlinK reduction of corneal topography (X) and clinical refractive astigmatism reduction (Y): Y=1. 4536X+0. 5734, r=0. 7212,P<0.001. Conclusion There was significant correlation between corneal refractive change (△SimK reduction) and clinical refractive astigmatism change. These results suggest that Corneal power(ASimK) measured by corneal topography may be an essential predictor of surgically refractive astigmatism changes.
Chinese Ophthalmic Research