佛司可林(Forskolin,FSK)及其类似物是腺苷酸环化酶的直接激动剂,具有降低眼压等药理作用。多数学者认为 FSK通过减少房水分泌或增加房水的流出来降低眼压。与其它抗青光眼药物相比, FSK具有独特的优点,也具有溶解度低,渗透率低,导致生物利用度低的不利之处。国内外目前已将其作为一类新型的抗青光眼药物来研究。综述了佛司可林及其类似物眼用制剂抗青光眼药理基础、临床应用和制剂学方面的研究进展。
Forskolin(FSK) and its analogs, a kind of diterpene extracted from the plant Coleus forskohlii, directly stimulate adenylate cyclase, increasing cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels in cells, and resulted in lowering intraocular pressure (IOP). Many researchers suggest that the elevation of cAMP result in a reduction in the rate of aqueous humor formation or the enhancement of humor outflow. Compared with other antiglaucoma drugs, they have a number of potential advantages. Nevetheless, because of their low ocular bioavailability or penetration, the application in antiglaucoma therapy has several preparative and biological disadvantages. In conclusion, FSK and its analogs could become a kind of novel antiglaucoma agents. This article is to review the development of their antiglaucoma pharmacological researches and clinical uses.
Chinese Ophthalmic Research