目的 :比较准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术 (PRK)和准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)治疗中低度近视的疗效。方法 :回顾分析经 2年以上随访 6 0 0度以下的 6 8例 (116眼 )PRK患者和 53例 (83眼 )LASIK患者的术后视力、屈光度的变化 ,以及对其并发症进行比较。结果 :PRK组术后 1周视力明显提高 ,6个月趋于稳定 ;LASIK组第 2天视力明显提高 ,1个月稳定 ;2年时PRK组有 95.2 %的患者达到术前矫正视力 ,LASIK组为 89.7% (P >0 .0 5) ,术后屈光度在± 1.0 0D以内的患者 ,PRK组有 90 .1% ;LASIK组有 81.3% (P >0 .0 5)。结论 :PRK和LASIK治疗中低度近视临床疗效均良好。PRK相对简单 ,风险较小 ;而LASIK设计合理 ,术后无痛苦 ,恢复较快 ,然而潜在一定的风险性 ,对于PRK治疗效果理想的中低度近视 ,尤其是低度近视的术式选择时 ,应全面考虑这些风险因素。
To analyze and compare the effects of excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and excimer laser in situ keratomileusis (LAISK) on mild and moderate myopia. Methods:PRK was performed on 68 cases (116 eyes) and LASIK was performed on 53 cases (83 eyes),all of the cases were with refraction of lower than-6.00 diopter. The cases were followed up for more than 2 years,then the changes of their visual acuity,refraction and complications were analyzed and compared between the two kinds of treatment. Results:In PRK group,the patients′ visual acuity was obviously improved a week after surgery,and up to 6 months it inclined steady. In LASIK group,the visual acuity was obviously improved one day after surgery,and was steady at one month after surgery. Two years after surgery,in PRK group the visual acuity of 95.2 percent of the patients reached their corrected visual acuity before surgery,and that in LASIK group was 89.7%,with no difference between the two groups (P>0.05);in PRK group 90.1 percent of the patients were with diopters within±1.00,and in LASIK group that was 81.3%,again with no difference between the two group (P>0.05). Conclusion:Totally PRK and LASIK are both effective for the correction of mild and moderate myopia. PRK is more simple,with lower risk;while the design of LASIK is more reasonable with no postoperative pain and with faster recovery of visual acuity,but with some potential risk. All these factors should be considered in the selecting of operation mode for correction of mild and moderate myopia,especially mild myopia.
Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College