目的 研究高血压脑出血患者外周血白细胞变化及其意义以及脑室引流的作用.方法 测定38例高血压脑出血患者入院时和测颅内压前的外周血白细胞数,并测20例无脑血管病并发症的高血压病患者外周血白细胞数作为对照.结果 脑出血患者外周血白细胞明显高于对照组;病情越重、颅内压越高,白细胞数越高;预后不良组白细胞数明显高于预后良好组;脑室引流后48小时白细胞数降至正常,明显低于引流前的白细胞数.结论 白细胞数可作为判断高血压脑出血病情轻重、颅内压高低和预后好坏的一项指标;脑室引流可加速白细胞数的下降,有利于减轻病情、改善预后.
[Abstract] Objective To study the changes of peripheral leukocytes and the effects of ventricle drainage for hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage(HICH) .Methods The number of leukocytes of 38 cases of HIGH as test group and 20 cases of the Hypertensive as controlled group were determined at the time of admission, before measuring the intracranial pressure(ICP), and at 24, 48 and 72 hours at ventricular drainage.Results The number of peripheral leukocytes in patients with HIGH group was much higher than that of the control.The more severity patient' s conditions was and the higher the ICP, the higher the number of peripheral leukocytes in patients with HIGH group was.The number of peripheral leukocytes of poor outcome group was much higher than that of the good outcome group .The number of peripheral leukocytes were reduced to normal after 48 houres by ventricular drainage ,and were much lower than that of before ventricular drainaged.Conclusions The number of peripheral leukocytes could be a index for judging the patient' s conditions, ICP and prognosis.It could be reduced fastly by ventricular drainage.It could be beneficial to alleviate the patient's conditions ,and improve the patient's prognosis.
Intracerebral hemorrhage Hypertension Leukocyte Intracranial pressure Ventriculardrainage