
炼钢—精炼—连铸过程钢水超纯净度控制战略 被引量:4

The Strategy for Ultra-Purity Control of Molten Steel in the Steelmaking—Secondary Refining—Continuous Casting Process
摘要 由于钢制品性能要求越来越苛刻,人们开发了在炼钢生产流程去除有害杂质的各种工艺技术,使杂质元素含量达到极低的水平。简要评述了钢中5大杂质元素硫、磷、氮、氢、氧对钢制品的危害,去除原理和工艺技术以及目前所能达到的极低含量的水平。 With growing demands of steel quality, purity of steel becomes more and more important, steel purity is con- trolled by a wide range of metallurgical technology and operating practices in order to achieve low or ultra-low content level of harmful elements (S, P, N, H, 0). This paper reviews the different aspects of steel products, removal principle and technology, and attaining the required ultra-low level of sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen.
出处 《中国冶金》 CAS 2012年第4期1-7,12,共8页 China Metallurgy
关键词 超纯净度控制 炼钢 精炼 连铸 ultra-purity control steelmaking secondary refining continuous casting process
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